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Photo of Carlos   Arturo Zamora Martìn Colombia

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- PERSONAL DATA Name ZAMORA CARLOS ARTURO MARTÍN Birthplace Bogotá, DC - COLOMBIA e-mail caztin@yahoo.com Hometown Country BOGOTA DC COLOMBIA II - 1973 STUDIES artistic research in the United States, Ecuador, Peru and Chile. 1978 Joined the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 1979 he joined the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving "La Esmeralda", Mexico City 1981-1983 Studies in...

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39.37 x 31.50 in
39.37 x 0.31 in
39.37 x 31.50 in
47.24 x 39.37 in
25.59 x 31.50 in
66.93 x 39.37 in
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- PERSONAL DATA Name ZAMORA CARLOS ARTURO MARTÍN Birthplace Bogotá, DC - COLOMBIA e-mail caztin@yahoo.com Hometown Country BOGOTA DC COLOMBIA II - 1973 STUDIES artistic research in the United States, Ecuador, Peru and Chile. 1978 Joined the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 1979 he joined the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving "La Esmeralda", Mexico City 1981-1983 Studies in Photography at the National School "La Esmeralda", Mexico City 1984 Finish the race for Fine Arts and obtained the title of painter National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving "La Esmeralda", Mexico DF 1989 Artistic Research in the cities of Barcelona, ??Madrid and Toledo. Spain. 1998 VII International Chair Art (Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango) Bogotá, DC III - EXHIBITIONS 1978 Group exhibition of painting Tunja - Colombia. 1981 Group exhibition of photography at the gallery "La Esmeralda", Mexico DF 1982 Exhibition at the gallery CREA, Mexico City exhibition at Coatzacoalcos - Mexico. 1983 Group exhibition tribute to Jose Clemente Orozco, Teachers College, Mexico City Collective Exhibition Cultural House State Government of Puebla, Mexico. CREA Gallery 1984 Exhibition, Mexico City National Contest "The Landscape Veracruz" Xalapa, Mexico. Young Art IV meeting Aguascalientes, Mexico. Solo exhibition Italian Cultural Institute, Bogotá DC 1985 Make a mural removed for the theater group "The Pound., Buenos Aires, participants Theater Festival Manizales, Colombia. Collective Exhibition Official Club Policía.Santafé Bogota, DC 1986 Solo exhibition Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avendaño - Museo de Arte, Santafé de Bogotá. 1987 Coffee and Book Exhibition Gallery, Santafé de Bogota DC Santafe Collective Exhibition Gallery - Planetario Distrital, Bogotá. 1988 Solo exhibition gallery of the Andrés Bello. Santafe de Bogota DC Solo exhibition gallery Coltejer Center, Medellín - Colombia. 1989 Photographic Competition IV "Landscapes of Cundinamarca", Culture and Tourism Corporation of Cundinamarca, Bogotá. 1991 Photo Contest VI "Landscapes of Cundinamarca", Culture and Tourism Corporation of Cundinamarca, Bogotá. 1992 VII Bienal de Arte Domecq, Mexico City I Competition and International Photography Exhibition on Ecology at the UN. New York. Group exhibition 1993 First Cattle Bank painting contest. Santafé de Bogotá. 1995 Solo Exhibition House of Culture in Mexico, sponsored by the Embassy of Mexico. Santafe de Bogota, DC 1997 Group exhibition gallery Alfred Wild. Santafé de Bogotá. Solo exhibition Four Points Sheraton Hotel, Bogota. DC 1998 Exhibition "Raw Art" gallery P. Salavarrieta, Cundinamarca. Santafé de Bogotá. DC Photography Exhibition "Parks" Ministry of Environment, Bogotá DC 2002 Solo exhibition BRITISH PETROLEUM COMPANY Bogotá. ARCH Gallery. London UK 2003 INFANTAS Art Gallery Madrid-Spain 2003 "Art in Motion" Aldo Castillo Gallery, Chicago. USA. 2004 Art Express Exhibition Gallery, Bogota DC Boulevard Gallery. Newport, Rhode Island, USA. IV - 1983 AWARDS Gets mention in the exhibition "Homage to Jose Clemente Orozco. Mexico DF 1989 Gets Honorable Mention in the Photography Contest IV, Culture and Tourism Corporation of Cundinamarca, Bogotá DC 1991 Gets First Prize Photo Contest VI Culture and Tourism Corporation of Cundinamarca and honorable mention in the same event. 1998 Selected work in Colombia to be part of a private collection in Spain. In recent years the paintings have been sold in galleries as Alfred Wild, Art Space, Van Gogh and art publishing, as well as private collectors. Honorable Mention 2003 Art in Motion "Aldo Castillo Gallery. Chicago - USA. '- 2009 V International Biennial of Art EL QUIJOTE DE ORO Liceo de Cervantes (selected) Bogotá - TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1982-1983 Art Classes at CEDIA, Mexico City from 1985 to 1987 Professor of Art Department of Fine Arts, National Normal University , Santafé de Bogotá DC 1990 College Art Professor Colombo Wales. Bogotá DC 1991 - 1995 International School Art Teacher of Bogotá, Bogotá DC 1998 - 1999 Professor of Sculpture Free Workshop. Colegio San Bartolome La Merced, Bogota DC 1999 - 2000 Art Teacher Clermont College Bogotá DC 2000 - 2002 Professor of Art College North Gym, Bogotá DC Expert in the International Baccalaureate (IB).

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